(1) This web site and all of its contents are protected by copyright laws.
(2) No permission is granted to anyone. All rights are reserved. (c) Copyright 1997-2016.
(1) The BRUTAL game and all supporting documents are the property of David J. Stanley, dba "Brutal RPG" licensed out of Sacramento California.
(2) "BRUTAL - Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles" and "BrutalRPG" are trademarks of David J. Stanley
(1) All of the artwork found on this web site including all artwork found in the downloaded documents, remain the property of the original illustrator.
(2) David J. Stanley has purchased and currently holds an "unlimited commercial use" license for each piece of artwork, with each of the illustrators.
(3) Unlimited Commercial Use: Includes but is not limited to T-shirts, Websites, Posters, and Documents to be downloaded, shared, and printed.
The Zeetvah Character Race
(1) The Zeetvah character race was adapted from the "Snarf Quest" comic strip and fantasy world created by Larry Elmore. Both of these are the property of Larry Elmore and are Copyrighted 1983-2005.
(2) Larry Elmore has graciously provided permission for David J. Stanley to include his Zeetvah character race within the confines of David's game and adventures.
(3) For more information please visit